How the hell did I not hear about this little piece of Star Wars Awesomeness? A freaken Concert. Yes I know before you all roll your eyes and groan ” Not the Star Wars opening theme again”.. I say Fuck yes! Real Star Wars theme, How cool is that. We have all heard it before and we will all hear it again, You might as well listen to it on your own terms.
BBC: As well as featuring images, props and costumes from the film, the show is narrated by English actor Anthony Daniels – who voiced the character C-3PO in all six films.
George Lucas, creator of the Star Wars saga said: “We’ve taken the key themes from the music and cut together all the images that fit with each theme, so you can really get a sense of how the music played into the images.
“The whole soundtrack is a testament to John Williams’ creativity and his extraordinary ability to enhance the emotional aspects of the films.”
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