Enable/Disable Built-in Administrator Account Windows 7

Ever had someone work on your computer only to find out that they did not know what they were doing or perhaps just forgot to do their housekeeping? You log onto your machine only to find that ugly “Administrator” account on your welcome/Logon screen?
This little trick can be used on all version of the Windows 7 operating system.

To Enable the account
  1. First elevate your command prompt.
  2. type the following line into your command prompt “net user administrator /active:yes
To Disable the account
  1. First elevate your command prompt.
  2. type the following line into your command prompt “net user administrator /active:no

Close your command line by typing “exit” and clicking enter or just closing the window using the [X] on the top right corner.
Log off, and you will now see the built-in Administrator account log on icon added (enabled) or removed (disabled) from the log on screen.
I realise that there are ways to edit the registry to do this I believe that most people should stay the hell out of their registry and as such will not be posting  that tut here.

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